Friday, June 25, 2010

Always dream...

Here's a line from unicorndreammagazine, it's so apt:

...Dreams are like may never touch them
but if you follow them they will lead you to your destiny.

utterly lovely.

Dream. Always. The bigger the better.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Awesome Things

Most of the time I forget about what makes life awesome. I should refrain and let go of a lot of things. It's about committing to not think so much, repeating mentalities and taking small things a they'll be part of my life. I'll try to put them into words and this will be a continuing post...
  • Faith 
  • Waking up with a smile on your face everyday
  • Knowing that it starts and ends with you...
  • Find what you love
  • Keep looking, don't settle
  • I'll be dead soon, so there's nothing to lose - death is a destination we all share
  • Saying goodbye is a good thing as saying hello
  • Stay hungry, stay foolish
  • It's not about the events in my life but how I deal with things

Friday, June 4, 2010


You must always have great, secret, big fat hopes for  yourself in love and in live. 
The Bigger, the better. 
The time is now. This is the best time for women to be entrepreneurs!